Actions Data Types

BLADE's action space is defined by the functions provided by the Game class that modifies the underlying simulation. These actions can be invoked by an agent as strings. For example, to direct an aircraft with an ID of 1 to transit to the coordinates (10, 10), pass the string move_aircraft(1, 10, 10) as an action into the Gymnasium environment.

  • add_reference_point(reference_point_name: str, latitude: float, longitude: float): adds a reference point with the specified name at the specified coordinates.

  • remove_reference_point(reference_point_id: str): removes a reference point.

  • launch_aircraft_from_airbase(airbase_id: str): launch an aircraft from an airbase.

  • launch_aircraft_from_ship(ship_id: str): launch an aircraft from a ship

  • create_patrol_mission(mission_name: str, assigned_units: list[str], assigned_area: list[list[float]]): creates a patrol mission.

  • update_patrol_mission(mission_id: str, mission_name: str, assigned_units: list[str], assigned_area: list[list[float]]): updates a patrol mission with new parameters.

  • create_strike_mission(mission_name: str, assigned_attackers: list[str], assigned_targets: list[str]): creates a strike mission.

  • update_strike_mission(mission_id: str, mission_name: str, assigned_attackers: list[str], assigned_targets: list[str]): updates a strike mission with new parameters.

  • delete_mission(mission_id: str): deletes a mission.

  • move_aircraft(aircraft_id: str, new_coordinates: list): direct an aircraft to transit to a waypoint

  • move_ship(ship_id: str, new_coordinates: list): direct a ship to transit to a waypoint.

  • handle_aircraft_attack(aircraft_id: str, target_id: str): launches a weapon from an aircraft to a target.

  • handle_ship_attack(ship_id: str, target_id: str): launches a weapon from a ship to a target.

  • aircraft_return_to_base(aircraft_id: str): direct an aircraft to return to its home base or the nearest base.

  • land_aircraft(aircraft_id: str): lands an aircraft at its home base or nearest base.

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