Installation Guide


  1. Python 3.12.3

  2. pip

Quick Start Guide


  1. Click on "Clone or download", and then "Download Zip".

  2. Unzip the repo anywhere.

  3. Navigate to the folder than contains and install the repository using pip install . Anytime you make changes to the files in the project folder, you need to reinstall the package using pip install .. Alternatively, use pip install -e . to install the package in editable mode. After doing this you can change the code without needing to continue to install it.

  4. gymnasium is a dependency for users who want to use BLADE as a Gym environment. In this case, use pip install .[gym] or pip install -e .[gym] for setup.

Run a demo

  1. Run the provided demo in scripts/simple_demo/

  2. The demo will output a scenario file that can be viewed using the frontend GUI.

Last updated