Menu Overview


This document walks users through the different Menu types


We use JSON to store information about a scenario. There are top level fields that store meta information like scenario name, current time, current side, and auxiliary information like the camera center and zoom, and the game speed. We maintain lists of each unit type, namely Aircraft, Airbases, Facilities, and Ships. Each record in the list correspond to an instance of that unit type. Each unit has fields that correspond to their attributes. For example, an Aircraft has a name, speed, range, position, routes, etc. Each time a scenario is downloaded the output JSON represents the scenario at that slice of time.

Edit Scenario

Using the edit scenario menu, we can add units to the scenario. Click Add Unit every time you want to drop a unit on the map.

Click Toggle Side to change between Red and Blue sides. You may only interact with the units of the Side you are on.

Run Scenario

Game speeds of 1x, 2x, 4x and 100x are supported. Step advances the game one step.

The play and pause button control the advancing of the scenario.

Interact Popup

Metadata include unit type, coordinates, altitude, heading, speed, fuel, fuel consumption, side, and weapon quantity.

Clicking on a unit reveals a menu with editable characteristics. For example, for an Aircraft:

Plot Course: Travels in the direction of the course

Attack: Sends a weapon to a target

RTB: Returns to original base

Duplicate: Creates a duplicate unit.

Contextual menus depend on the type of unit chosen. There are aircraft, ships, bases, and SAMs. See Unit Types.


Different base maps can be cycled through.

Use the Layers button to turn off and on certain layers.

Last updated